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Old 19 Jan 2021, 08:59 PM   #5
Join Date: Aug 2001
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Posts: 3,118
Yes, the moderators are doing a superlative job, for which I am hugely grateful.

I have unfortunately not been able to give EMD the attention it deserves recently - for quite a while in fact. Don't see that changing any time soon.

When it comes to the spamming, the spammers appear to be human not bot spammers, so they are bypassing the checks in the same way any other new forum user would.

Also, despite posting Korean-language spam, they're actually in the US (their IP address ranges are shared by several long-time forum users - no connection, I'm just saying that they're using a common provider of some kind). Can only assume they've been paid to spam as widely as possible, and given a script to cut and paste into forums.

So programmatically, there would appear to be little that can be done to catch them.

That doesn't solve the problem, but it perhaps gives a better idea of what's involved.
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