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Old 10 May 2018, 07:10 PM   #4
Master of the @
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Different things, having your username and password doesn't mean a bad guy can decrypt an encrypted hard drive.
Sure, but that is an unlikely scenario according to studies like the one Google released recently. On the other hand, the most likely scenario is that your credentials get stolen or hacked and then bad guys just log in and get your email that way. If you are really worried for some reason that data at rest is in danger go with a huge provider where the data is scattered around the world in multiple centers that have military-grade security. I doubt Google disposes of dead drives in the trash and even if they did what are the chances your information will be on the drive? Encryption at rest is mainly a worry for those who store data at small providers where you have no idea how protected it is, and if that is the case how do you know the provider doesn't have your encryption keys too?
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