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Old 17 Mar 2018, 08:38 PM   #6
Master of the @
Join Date: Feb 2017
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I've used both Fastmail and their partner, and they are among the best providers of email on your own domains. The question for you is if you need or want the advanced features mentioned by others, or if you are like most people and just need a reliable, easy to use, and inexpensive or free email address. Some people do worry about losing a beloved email address, but I am personally not that wedded to any particular address. On the other hand, I've had a Gmail address since they first became widely available and I still use it all the time. I've had other addresses with both Gmail and for over a decade or more. In that time numerous small email providers have come and gone as can be documented here on this site. I'm not certain having your own domain is any greater guarantee of having an "email address for life" as the slogan goes. As I get older one thing has occurred to me that is a chink in the email-for-life argument. When my life has ended, what will happen then to the domains I own and their associated email addresses? Presumably they will go on until payments stop, which could be less than a year, whereas there is no definite end date for a free service like Gmail as long as it remains active. That would take any pressure off of those trying to wrap up my affairs. Think what a hassle it would be if your domain and/or email service happened to expire a month after you died, and then your heirs suddenly lost all of your email records, contacts, bills, etc. When my mother passed I was dealing with her financial affairs for years afterwards. For example, look what just happened here on
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