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Old 18 Feb 2009, 08:08 AM   #4
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Posts: 19
Thank you Rich.

I did puzzle over how those behaviorally-detected priority numbers (1000-1002) would be used in accomplishing what I want. Although I couldn't see how they fit in, what I know is that if I implement a filter that forwards to an e-mail address with a priority higher than other filters that would send the same message to a folder, forwarding occurs without saving to any folder, including the Inbox! If I reverse the priority, then the folder gets it and the forwarded target doesn't receive the message. It is as if once a filter rule is applied for a particular message, processing for that message stops without further action.

From observation, I agree that forwarding from the GSM/forwarding window works as you say: for messages that wind up in the Inbox unfiltered, forwarding takes place. For filtered messages that wind up in some folder other than Inbox, forwarding is suppressed.

The upshot of those findings is that I haven't accomplished what I would like to: forward every incoming message AND then file the message away into some folder or else let it go, free of impinging filters, to the Inbox.

Much obliged to your attention.
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